Biden's "Secret Money Machine": New Book Delves Into Hunter's China-Linked Partnership With University Of Delaware

While the general public is well aware of allegations against the Biden family involving international influence-peddling schemes, bribes from Ukrainian oligarchs, and attempts to write off prostitutes on tax returns, major facets of the first family's sphere of wealth and influence have gone largely unreported.

bidens secret money machine new book delves into hunters china linked partnership with university of delaware

According to a wide-ranging new book by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, who collaborated with researchers from investigative journalist Peter Schweizer's multiple books (perhaps most notably, "Clinton Cash"), the Biden family has a second, virtually unknown institute. And much like the widely-reported Penn-Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania, the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware - established on the same day as UPenn's, resulted in a flood of Chinese money into said institutions.

"The key players at the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute were either Biden family members, people with deep ties to China, or both," writes Marlow.

Modeled after the Clinton Global Initiative, the University of Delaware Biden Institute was referred to as Hunter's "baby" by his aunt and former Joe Biden campaign manager, Valerie Owens (who now chairs the Biden Institute).

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware announced that it was naming its public policy school after Vice President Biden. Emails show that this move was orchestrated by members of UD’s Biden Institute. It was on the day of the announcement that Hunter Biden received a text message from his aunt and former Joe Biden campaign manager, Valerie Owens (who chairs the Biden Institute), crediting him for the deepening partnership with between the Biden family and the university: “Bravo Hunter—UD was your baby and you made sure I was part of it.

The University of Delaware Biden Institute was Hunter’s “baby.” And this was the type of baby the family most certainly was not going to ignore. -Breitbart

What's more, the UD Biden Institute became home to at least 12 future Biden administration appointees, including soon-to-be senior Biden advisor Mike Donilon and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, while UD President Dennis Assanis would be named to Biden's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

But perhaps most intriguing is that soon after forging its partnership with the Bidens, the University of Delaware (UD) disclosed receiving funds from China.

Assanis notably "has deep and long-standing ties to China," according to Marlow, who reports that in addition to serving as the founding director of the US-China Clean Energy Research Center and Clean Vehicle Consortium (CERC-CVC) since 2003, Assanis has served as both a guest professor and an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) - which has a partnership with the Chinese military, and which has been identified as the source of cyberattacks on American companies.

bidens secret money machine new book delves into hunters china linked partnership with university of delaware
President Joe Biden delivers the commencement address at the University of Delaware graduation ceremony in Newark, Delaware, on May 28, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

And then the Chinese funds start flowing...

As Marlow reports;

The University of Delaware had never disclosed receiving funds from China until April 2018, when it accepted over $3.2 million for a contract with an unnamed Chinese entity. This came two months after the Penn Biden Center opened its DC office. Then, in December 2018, UD received $1.9 million from an unnamed Chinese entity. In 2019, UD received another $625,000 from China. In 2020, UD initiated three contracts with the Chinese entities and received over $1 million in funds. In sum, UD has received over $6.7 million from unnamed Chinese sources, including a substantial amount from the Chinese government.

All these funds started flowing to UD after the Biden Institute was announced and increased immediately after the launch of the Penn Biden Center.

In addition to the obvious pay-for-play implications, the influx of Chinese money is even more alarming in light of UD's thirty-seven international partnerships with Chinese universities - including several which are involved in the development of Chinese military technology.

Concern over UD's relationship with Chinese entities is such a concern that on Feb. 8, 2022, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote Assanis to ask him to terminate the institution's academic and research partnership with Xiamen University, an active component of the CCP military-industrial complex, and which allegedly conspired with Huawei to perform corporate espionage against a US semiconductor start-up. According to the report, UD has worked with at least four other universities linked to CCP defense laboratories.

The Clinton model...

For those who don't know, the Bidens are prolific plagiarists. Their institutes at the University of Delaware / UPenn appear to be no exception.

In April 2016, Hunter emailed (and met with) talent agent Craig Gering of the Creative Artists Agency about then-VP Joe Biden's future after he leaves office. According to "confidential notes" taken by Gering, the two discussed the possibility of Hunter serving in the Penn Biden Center's DC office - which Gering described as having a "Focus on foreign policy. In addition to the institute at U of Penn, the school has an existing office in DC that will be expanded to house a DC office for VP Biden (and Mike, Hunter and Steve?). Operates like The Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise."

"Yes," Hunter replied. "in theory that's the way I would like to see it shake out--- BUT please keep this very confidential between us because nothing has been set in stone and there's still a lot of sensitivity around all of this both internally and externally. He hasn't made any decisions and this could all be changed overnight."

bidens secret money machine new book delves into hunters china linked partnership with university of delaware

And while there may not have been a 'money raise' like CGI, it's now been established that both universities saw an influx of Chinese money following the establishment of the Biden entities.

As Marlow notes;

CGI claims it convenes “established and emerging global leaders to create and implement solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges,” according to its website, but functionally, it was an easy way for the Clintons to reap donor funds to leverage relationships with celebrities and major corporations to boost their profiles all the while promoting their own cultural and political agenda items. Donations to CGI dried up when it came under media scrutiny from Schweizer and others for soliciting millions of dollars from foreign governments and businesses—the same governments and businesses that received favorable treatment from the Obama administration during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state. -Breitbart

Most recently, CGI rebooted in 2022 (after shutting down in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost the election and donor funds dried up), and has now set its sights on Ukraine.

The big question then becomes - what did Gering mean by "Wealth Creation" in his email to Hunter, listed after his summaries of the various Biden family matters the two discussed? Was it in relation to the UD/UPenn centers? Was it Hunter's 'art' career that's been the focus of speculation over pay-for-play?

Whatever it was, the Biden family launched several entities as the Clinton charities began to fold up shop, one of which Hunter's CAA pal described as operating "like the Clinton Global Initiative."

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Check out Marlow's new book, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 4th 2023