Bill Maher: Biden "Is Going To F***ing Lose"

bill maher biden is going to fing lose

Bill Maher warned his leftist audience this week that Donald Trump is going to beat an ailing Joe Biden in the November election.

During a podcast interview with Kara Swisher, Maher stated “I would vote for [Biden’s] head in a jar of blue liquid over Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean that I’m — first of all, I think it’s a moot point at this point. He’s going to fucking lose.”

Maher cited Biden’s age and the efforts his campaign are making to pretend that isn’t the case.

Maher added that too many Democrats are ignoring concerns about the physical and mental fitness of now 81-year-old Biden.

Swisher refused to accept Maher’s assertion, claiming that a “silent majority” will vote for Biden.

“We don’t want chaos again,” she said.

Maher responded, “Do I think that’s absolutely possible, what you described? Yes. Or it could not be, and I can’t tell the difference.

“The shy Trump voter is the one who is going to vote for Trump but doesn’t want you to know it because it’s a little déclassé,” he added.

Maher’s comments come as a Wall Street Journal report citing several Democrats and Republicans claims Biden is showing signs of severe cognitive decline behind the scenes as well as in public.

The report notes that over 45 lawmakers and staffers from both sides of the aisle were interviewed and described Biden as “not the same person” as he was even four years ago.

Maher recently described Biden as “cadaver-like,” and that “he should get out, because he’s just lost the faith (of) people.”

Bill Maher: “Biden is “Cadaver Like”

The ‘Real Time’ host also stated that many leftist ideas are “stupid,” and that is stoking even more division which could lead to a civil war with “MAGA nation” types if jailing Trump is really on the table.

Maher: If Trump Goes To Jail There Will Be A Racial Civil War

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Authored by Steve Watson via June 6th 2024