Bolton: ‘False’ Department of Justice Weaponized Against Trump

Former national security adviser John Bolton said Thursday during CNN’s special coverage of the indictment of Donald Trump that it was “false” the Department of Justice is weaponized against the former president.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “There are a lot of Republicans in Congress railing about two standards of justice. They say when you look at the conduct that Donald Trump has been accused of. Is there any part of you that thinks that it’s true that the Justice Department is being weaponized against Donald Trump for political reasons?”

Bolton said, “You know, I’ve been an opponent of the special counsel concept as long as I can remember, and I’m still against it. But in this case, nobody can say the Department of Justice is weaponized. I think the special counsel has proceeded independently. I happen to think that’s not a good thing, constitutionally, but it’s simply false to say the Department of Justice has been weaponized.”

He added, “It is possible, and I think seriously open to question, whether Hunter Biden has been treated in a similar way. But as my mother always used to say, two wrongs don’t make a right. You don’t make up for Hunter Biden getting a sweet deal if that’s the fact by letting Donald Trump skate free. You prosecute where the law has been violated.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 3rd 2023