
Boston Mayor: We’re Releasing People Wanted by ICE Because They Choose Not to Get Warrants

During an interview with Boston Public Radio on Tuesday, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu stated that the city is releasing people wanted by ICE because “ICE is choosing not to go and get these criminal warrants.” And then claiming “so and so was extremely dangerous and a threat to the community. And yet, they’re not taking the action that reflects what they should be doing if they believed that to be true.”

Wu stated, “[A]ny agency that gets a judicial warrant, a criminal warrant signed by a judge that has verified probable cause and has gone through that process in the legal system, the Boston Police must enforce that. And we do, every day, whether that’s a warrant that comes from out of state for someone who might be wanted for a serious crime elsewhere, or even outside the country.”

She added, “ICE is choosing not to go and get these criminal warrants. And what they’ll say is, oh, so and so was extremely dangerous and a threat to the community. And yet, they’re not taking the action that reflects what they should be doing if they believed that to be true. They’re waiting until afterwards and then saying, we had to arrest this person separately, because — and usually, it’s not Boston Police, because, frankly the police department isn’t holding people in custody for very long in most cases.”

Wu also stated that the city is under court rulings.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart March 11th 2025