‘Breaking Biden’ Author: Biden ‘Crime Family’ Will Crumble if Forced to Testify Before Congress

On Tuesday’s edition of Real America’s Voice’s “Grant Stinchfield Tonight,” Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow predicted that members of the Biden family will have to testify before Congress and will end up looking awful because members of the Biden family “are terrible when they actually have a microphone in front of them and are forced to give answers. And if they keep pleading the 5th, they’re going to look like the crime family that they are.”

Marlow said, [relevant remarks begin around 33:15] “People have to get hauled in, and they have to explain what they did — the Biden family members — what they did for all these companies overseas, what they did for all these Chinese companies. We need to get those answers now.”

He added, “I am optimistic that the House is going to proceed in a way where we’re going to see Bidens have to testify, and the answers they’re going to give to these questions, Grant, are going to blow your mind. They are terrible when they actually have a microphone in front of them and are forced to give answers. And if they keep pleading the 5th, they’re going to look like the crime family that they are. I cannot wait for this.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 1st 2023