Burgum: ‘Under Joe Biden, We’re Actually Living Under a Dictatorship Today’

Governor Doug Burgum (R-ND) said Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story” that the United States under President Joe Biden was a “dictatorship.”

Host Martha Maccallum said, “A number of people in the media talking about the possibility of imprisonment for people who disagree with former President Trump, people being put in camps, that the entire system of government would be under collapse pressure under a second Trump term. What would you say to them?”

Burgum said, “Well, Martha, I think you know that this is just ridiculous. The Democrats seem to have two strategies. One is, be afraid. And the second strategy is, be even more afraid.”

He added, “Under Joe Biden, we’re actually living under a dictatorship today, where he’s, you know, bypassing Congress on immigration policies, bypassing Congress on protecting our border, he’s bypassing Congress on a student loan forgiveness, and he’s defying the Supreme Court. I mean, those are the things that authoritarians and dictators do, is, they don’t follow our democratic processes and they just assert their own liberal view. And that’s what the Biden administration’s doing. So what they’re really afraid of as President Trump is ahead in the polls, with all the groups in America on all the issues that matter most to most Americans, whether it’s of the border, inflation, interest rates.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart June 19th 2024