California Imam Calls to ‘Annihilate’ Zionist ‘Dogs,’ Accuses Israel of Fabricating Videos Like a ‘Hollywood Studio’

california imam calls to annihilate zionist dogs accuses israel of fabricating videos like a hollywood studio
Imam Marc Manley / Facecbook

Zionist “dogs” should be “annihilated,” according to an Islamic cleric in California who accused Israel of evildoing and fabricating videos “like a Hollywood studio,” as he expressed his longing for “the day that I get to listen to the last gasping breath of them hanging from the rope that Allah gave them to hang themselves.”

In a sermon delivered Friday at the Middle Ground Muslim Center in Upland, California, Imam Marc Manley lashed out at the “Zionists,” whom he accused of knowingly perpetrating “evil.”

“Do you think for one minute that these Zionists don’t know that what they are doing is evil? Of course they do,” he said. “It’s part of their whole national anthem to remind everybody on the face of the earth of how their parents and grandparents were slaughtered in death camps in Poland and in Germany.”

“Of course, they know it’s evil,” he added.

Noting the recent trend of young Americans exploring Islam, Manley stated that “every day people are taking their Shahada [profession of faith] because of the evil that the Zionists are doing to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Gaza.”

“People are becoming Muslim because of it. Even the people who aren’t becoming Muslim are seeing the light,” he added. 

Calling Israel “desperate” as a result, he accused the Jewish state of “literally” fabricating videos “like a Hollywood studio.”

“They are constantly fabricating videos and getting caught, fabricating and getting caught,” he stated. 

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Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart News

According to Manley, the practice is “only lengthening the rope that will eventually hang them like the dogs that they are.”

He also expressed his hope that “Allah will bless me to see the day that I get to listen to the last gasping breath of them hanging from the rope that Allah gave them to hang themselves.”

He also called for the complete eradication of the “Zionist dogs in Israel.”

“Oh Allah, annihilate the Zionist dogs in Israel,” he said. “Annihilate them completely.”

The matter comes as more and more sermons and lectures containing radical rhetoric from Islamic leaders in America and the West come to light.

In October, a Colorado imam live-streamed a lecture for children that included a Quranic tale of Allah turning Jews into monkeys, as well as claims that Jews are predominantly deceptive and persistently “tricking us to trust them,” and it is ill-advised to “trust” or “do business” with them.

It also comes as more and more Western youth are reportedly turning to the Quran, often adopting radicalized views in the process.

Earlier in November, young TikTokers began promoting al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his propaganda, as his “Letter to America” justifying the September 11 attacks went viral on the Chinese-owned social platform, with videos on the topic garnering millions of views.

During the public debate on the Israel-Hamas war, a new generation of those mostly born after September 11, 2001, or too young to recall the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in U.S. history, were seen defending bin Laden for his opposition to America and its support for Israel.

Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

Authored by Joshua Klein via Breitbart November 22nd 2023