CBC Chair: Issue Around Biden’s Age ‘More Around Ageism and Ableism’

On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) stated that the issue around President Joe Biden’s age “is more around ageism and ableism and not what this President, President Biden has done.”

After Horsford said that he hasn’t heard concerns about Biden’s age from voters, host Abby Phillip said, “[T]here’s a lot of polling out there, the recent one after the debate, showing more than 70% of voters think that President Biden is not demonstrating the capacity to be president. 56% of Democrats say that they would be better off with another nominee. Those are the concerns that I’m talking about that are showing up in the numbers and that are affecting his approval rating.”

Horsford responded, “What I find interesting is that issue is more around ageism and ableism and not what this President, President Biden has done. His age didn’t keep him from lifting 50% of children out of poverty, his age did not prevent him from passing a bipartisan infrastructure law, his age didn’t prevent him from passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in order to keep our communities safe from gun violence. It is his experience and his civility, because he actually cares about the American people, while Donald Trump only cares about himself or the billionaires and big corporations that he wants to give tax cuts to. He’s now — his… new tax proposal would cost the American people $5 trillion. How are we supposed to pay for that? He will come after seniors, their Social Security and their Medicare. We cannot let that happen. And that’s the choice in this upcoming election.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 8th 2024