Chris Christie: GOP ‘Cheapening Impeachment’ — ‘I Don’t See Evidence’ Against Joe Biden

Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the House GOP members are “cheapening” impeachment if they open an inquiry into President Joe Biden.

Co-host Jonathan Lemire said, “There is new reporting today that House Speaker McCarthy is going to endorse the idea of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. It’s not quite clear if he has the votes, but there’s a sense if he were to secure as many, that’d lead beyond an inquiry to impeachment. Do you think that is an appropriate step for your fellow Republicans to take?”

Christie said, “Look, what I’ve said is, there is a lot of smoke around the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden business relationships. We need to have a thorough investigation of it.”

He continued, “But I don’t see evidence yet that would support impeaching Joe Biden. I think we’re cheapening impeachment by doing that kind of thing. I criticized Democrats for doing that over the Ukraine issue a number of years ago, on impeachment, and I don’t want my party to fall victim to the same thing. But I do think it is important for it to be investigated because there are too many connections now, too many inconsistencies in the president’s story and what he has said and what others have said who are, apparently, witnesses to his participation in helping Hunter Biden with his business.”

Christie added, “So we need to know the facts on that, and then we can make an intelligent decision about whether the facts exist to move forward to something more serious. But right now, I think what’s necessary is an investigation both by the Congress and by the Department of Justice.

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 11th 2023