Chris Matthews: Biden ‘Not Sure What Isn’t True’ ‘Thinks Things Are Going on’ ‘He Doesn’t Know About’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” former MSNBC host Chris Matthews stated that he believes President Joe Biden “thinks things are going on in this administration he doesn’t know about, that’s his problem. He’s not sure what isn’t true.” And therefore, can’t call out 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump effectively.

After host Bill Maher said that Trump makes things up, Matthews stated, “Or he does it in a way that our President couldn’t catch him on it. He said last night, twice, that Social Security and Medicare are going to people in the country illegally, they don’t have papers. It’s not true. It’s not true. They are not getting Social Security. They’re paying into it, because you have to get a job, you’ve got to at least use a name to get the job, somebody’s name, but you have to pay in, you’ve got to pay in. But you don’t get the benefits. And Biden didn’t know that. Because I think he thinks things are going on in this administration he doesn’t know about, that’s his problem. He’s not sure what isn’t true. And there was a case where this guy just made it up.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart June 28th 2024