Christie: I Am Running Against Trump — Haley, DeSantis Running for Second Place


Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that he was the only one in the race running against former President Donald Trump.

Mitchell said, “Let me ask you about the Republican contest then. Donald Trump on Veterans Day gave a speech, a scripted speech, and then he posted it as well. This was no accidental ad-lib, referring to getting rid of the vermin, using language that Hitler and Mussolini used. Then his press spokesman said we’re not talking about extinguishing, we’re talking about eliminating or changing something. What kind of language is that for the front-runner by leaps and bounds?”

Christie said, “That’s what I’m hearing and that’s why I’m running against him. As you know from watching the race closely, I am the only candidate running against Donald Trump. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis seem to be running against each other for second place. Good for them. But when Nikki Haley stands on the stage on Wednesday night and says Donald Trump was the right president for the right time, when Ron DeSantis continues to defend Donald Trump, you cannot beat someone unless you run against them.”

He added, “The only path to the Republican nomination for president is not around Donald Trump or next to Donald Trump, it is through Donald Trump. And the fact is, I’m the only person willing to do that. I’m the only person with the guts and the experience to be able to do it.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart November 15th 2023