Clemson Removes Menstrual Items From Men's Bathrooms After Backlash

  • South Carolina State Representative April Cromer reached out to Clemson leadership after having seen the story of the dispensers on X.

  • Clemson College Republicans President Trevor Tiedeman told Campus Reform that the student group is unafraid to speak out against LGBT ideology on campus.

clemson removes menstrual items from mens bathrooms after backlash

The Clemson College Republicans have succeeded in their yearlong effort to have menstrual products removed from men’s bathrooms on campus.

Campus Reform has reported that many colleges, from Western Carolina University to Princeton University, have embraced the practice as a way of promoting gender ideology and transgenderism.

After pushing back for some time, Clemson’s College Republicans helped get the female items removed from men’s bathrooms. Chapter President Trevor Tiedeman gave Campus Reform a full timeline of events, and what it took to make the change.

Tiedeman told Campus Reform that initial pushback against the university came in November 2022, when the Clemson College Republicans’ executive board met with Library Dean Chris Cox on the matter. The board then proceeded to send follow up emails, which were never addressed, Tiedeman stated.

The matter lay dormant for nearly a year, until Sept. 13, when the Clemson Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) posted an Instagram story regarding the products.

Pictures of a tampon and pad dispenser showed newly written messages scribbled nearby like “MAGA,” “MEN CAN’T GET PERIODS!!!”, “Society is fu***d.”

In response, Clemson YDSA wrote, “Transphobia is never okay. This is what we’re up against.”

According to Tiedeman, South Carolina State Representative April Cromer contacted the Clemson College Republicans before reaching out to  leadership after having seen the story of the dispensers on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Rep. Cromer spoke with Clemson University’s President Jim Clements and Trustee Nicky McCarter, and the dispensers were promptly removed on September 16, 2023,” Tiedeman told Campus Reform.

“The details as to why these dispensers were there are still being found out.”

“However, from what we’ve gathered from university administrators, the dispensers were funded as a capital project through the Graduate Student Government (GSG), but they did not receive approval from the university, which led to their eventual removal,” he continued.

Tiedeman also noted that without the help of the South Carolina State Freedom Caucus, in addition to Representative Comer’s involvement, the dispensers would not have likely been removed.

“We haven’t shied away from speaking out about pernicious transgender and LGBT ideology in the past, so we didn’t hesitate to use our voices here either,” he added.

“We had many students that aren’t even in our club feed us this information about the dispensers, so it goes to show that we are the true strong arm on behalf of conservatives on campus.”

Campus Reform contacted Clemson for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.

Authored by John Parker via October 27th 2023