
Clyburn: Biden Struggled Because He Was ‘Grappling for Numbers’ and ‘Platform Positions’

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) blamed President Joe Biden’s performance in last week’s presidential debate on “preparation overload” and stated that during the debate, “Biden was trying not to stray from the preparation, and he was grappling for numbers, grappling for platform positions, rather than reacting to the question directly from his own personal feelings, personal experiences.”

Clyburn stated, “Well, as I watched the debate, alone, in my condo — I decided not to go to any watch parties — I felt, from the very beginning, that Joe Biden was going to have a tough night, because I thought it was preparation overload. I just saw it. I’ve been around these debates for a long time. I have been a part of the debate prep in a couple of instances. As I could see there, Joe Biden was trying not to stray from the preparation, and he was grappling for numbers, grappling for platform positions, rather than reacting to the question directly from his own personal feelings, personal experiences. And I think that you always do much better on television when people can feel your response, as well as hear.”

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via July 1st 2024