Clyburn: Biden’s Addressing Voter Discontent by Looking at Recognizing Palestine, Critiquing Netanyahu

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that President Joe Biden is addressing the concerns of people unhappy with his handling of the Israel-Hamas war by “looking at the possibilities of recognizing Palestine as a state” and criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Host Brianna Keilar asked, “Congressman, I’ve been speaking with some Democrats who have concerns that some black voters are unhappy with how the President is handling Israel’s war with Hamas. They’re joined by young voters. They’re joined by Arab and Muslim American voters as well. How do you think the Biden campaign should be addressing these concerns?”

Clyburn answered, “Well, I think that he is. If all we were to do is just look at some of the headlines. I saw headlines several days ago indicating that Joe Biden is looking at the possibilities of recognizing Palestine as a state. That is something he’s discussing. I have seen indications that he has expressed to Netanyahu his concerns about the way he is handling this hostage situation. So, Joe Biden is doing the work. All of us can look at it and have our own positions as to whether or not the work is fast enough, but Joe Biden is doing the work. And so, I would say to anybody that’s concerned, let’s all give credit to Joe Biden for doing the work, and we will get this done. So, I understand the concerns, I have them as well.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart February 24th 2024