Clyburn: Hunter Hearings Might Teach People ‘How We Ought to Conduct Ourselves’ when Faced with Challenges

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Weekend,” Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that maybe as a result of the Hunter Biden hearings “we will all learn a little more about how we ought to conduct ourselves when we are faced with these kinds of challenges. That’s what being a public servant is all about, that’s what the President of the United States is all about, is showing the country how we should act and react in time[s] of crises.”

Clyburn said, “Look, President Biden is more than a President, he’s a father. Dr. Jill made it very clear that she is very concerned about how they are treating their son. This is an issue that we ought to pay close attention to, because if you are the party of family values, you ought to value family. They are not valuing family. They need to stop this foolishness. We have two committees, let them pursue their work, but this grandstanding, going into secret so you can come out and interpret your views for the American people. Why not have the hearing in [the] open? Let the public look in. Maybe we will all learn a little more about how we ought to conduct ourselves when we are faced with these kinds of challenges. That’s what being a public servant is all about, that’s what the President of the United States is all about, is showing the country how we should act and react in time[s] of crises. And there’s nothing more personal than to have a family crisis like they had with the addiction of their son and how he worked to overcome that addiction. We ought not be piling on — or if he’s broken the law, then we have a process for that. We should not have these open forays into people’s private lives, showing pictures of them in vulnerable situations. That is not the way you demonstrate leadership in these United States of America. I am so disappointed that the leadership of that committee is allowing this to happen.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 13th 2024