Clyburn: Jordan Shouldn’t Be Speaker, He Doesn’t Put People over Politics

Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) should not be speaker of the House because he does not “put the people of this country over the politics.”

Clyburn said, “What happens next is that if we meet again at 11:00 in the morning, there will be a quorum call and after which we’ll have another vote on trying to elect a speaker. I would hope that after all of this time, that the leadership of the Republican Party will sit down in earnest with Leader Jeffries, who has been extending an offer time and time again to reach a bipartisan path forward. So that the people of this country that have their business attended to. Right now, we cannot get to the attendance of that business because the Republicans seem to be picking their politics over the people’s interest.”

He continued, “Stop these investigations, especially when you have the guy who you have given most of the votes to be speaker. He’s the one that’s been running the investigations and inviting his own witnesses to come in. His own witnesses have been saying there’s nothing here that borders on anything akin to impeachments. So, let me get this foolishness out of the way. Let’s get someone who believes in democracy believes in this country moving forward in search of perfection. Someone who believes that we should put the people of this country over the politics that we practice. I don’t think that is Jordan.”

Clyburn added, “Here’s a guy who’s been here for 16 years, never passed a single bill. What did he come here for? I think we heard it from the former speaker, especially when he said he is a legislative terrorist. He’s all about tearing things down, not building things up.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 17th 2023