Clyburn: Nobody Can ‘Grasp’ How Good Biden Is, There’s ‘Disinformation’ and ‘Tweeting’ ‘That’s Not Good’ for America

During an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that President Joe Biden “has delivered for the American people in such a way that nobody seems to grasp.” And that Biden “can be a greater President when we get people to understand all of what he has done rather than to listen to all of the garbage, the disinformation that’s going on out there and look at the facts and stop listening to all of this tweeting and stuff that’s going on out there that’s not good for the American people.”

Clyburn said, “All the facts and figures are there for us to be successful. But we have got to do a better job of communicating to the grassroots voter exactly what Joe Biden has done. He has been a great President. He has delivered for the American people in such a way that nobody seems to grasp. If you look at the wealth gap that has existed between blacks and whites in this country, for the first time, we are closing that gap. If you look at student loan debt, what he has done, $132 billion in debt forgiveness that nobody talks about. They only talk about the little portion that he was sued on and could not get done. If you look at health care, building on Obamacare, they announced, Health and Human Services this morning, that we have now got 20 million people — more people with health insurance than ever in the history of the country. So, these are the things that are fundamental to getting people’s lives back on track. COVID-19 was a big, big problem for all of us and we finally got someone in the office who recognized that problem, [had] got some sense of governance, and [knew] how to get us out of it rather than talking about putting bleach in your veins and pretending that it doesn’t exist.”

He continued, “So, Joe Biden has been a good President. He can be a greater President when we get people to understand all of what he has done rather than to listen to all of the garbage, the disinformation that’s going on out there and look at the facts and stop listening to all of this tweeting and stuff that’s going on out there that’s not good for the American people.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 10th 2024