
Clyburn: Trump Has Very Low Opinion of Black and Brown People

Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Monday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump had a low opinion of people of color.

Host Dana Bash said, “I want to quickly give you the opportunity to respond to something that Donald Trump said on the debate stage about undocumented migrants.”

Trump said, “I’m talking about that immigrants rather they’re taking black jobs now. And it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people, they’re taking black jobs and they’re taking hispanic jobs.”

Bash said, “What’s your reaction to that it’s Joe Biden has been talking about this.”

Clyburn said, “Donald Trump is being Donald Trump. He has a very, very, very low opinion of people of color, black, brown, whatever color. He has a low opinion of black people. He’s demonstrated that all of his life. I would like to hear from some of his black supporters why they will not have these discussions but what this man has done to black women, what this man has done too young black youth and what he has done to his own businesses when it comes to black people.”

He added, “How do you adjust, give this man a pass on all of that? Compare his hiring records to Joe Biden’s higher and records. Then that also gives you some indication of whether it would be going forward. So what do you said the other night by black jobs, meant to me that there are certain jobs for black people and there are certain jobs for white people. There are certain jobs white people, and there’s certain jobs for non-white people and these people coming in it will be taken those jobs that are for non white people, never mind them being the threat to those jobs for the rest of us.”

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via June 29th 2024