CNN: Lefties Who Believed ‘Shoddy Reporting’ on Kavanaugh Now Doubt Israeli Victims

On Tuesday’s “CNN Newsnight,” CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Abby Phillip noted that people on the left who supported the #MeToo movement, argued women who say they were victims of sexual assault should be believed, and “were pretty willing to believe some shoddy reporting about Brett Kavanaugh,” now deny that Hamas raped Israeli women even though there are reams of evidence, including videos Hamas put out itself, supporting those claims.

Phillip said, “Jake, one of the things, is that I’ve heard and seen people on the left, the same people who were advocates of the #MeToo movement, the same people who say, believe women, who say there is no proof that these rapes happened, that there’s no evidence, that this is propaganda. That’s the part that I’m not understanding, how these same people won’t believe what seems to be pretty widespread evidence that these things happened.”

Tapper responded, “Yeah, the same people that were pretty willing to believe some shoddy reporting about Brett Kavanaugh, are now not willing to listen to eyewitness testimony, police testimony, some pretty grisly videos that Hamas themselves put out there that speak some fairly disgusting truths about what they perpetrated on women.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 6th 2023