CNN’s Henderson: Biden Gave ‘Detailed, Nuanced’ Answers Even when ‘He Seemed to Confuse’ Mexico and Egypt

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” CNN Senior Political Analyst and Bloomberg columnist Nia-Malika Henderson stated that President Joe Biden “is a smart guy,” who, in the press conference “where he seemed to confuse the presidents of Mexico and Egypt,” “gave very detailed, nuanced answers on any number of topics,” especially the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

After playing video of a focus group of voters who switched from voting for Trump in 2016 to voting for Biden in 2020 where one voter said Biden didn’t seem as mentally bad as he thought, host Dana Bash stated, “I don’t know, maybe the bar isn’t that high for Biden and I don’t know if this is something that the Biden campaign could take to heart, like, just let him out there and have him talk.”

Henderson then cut in to say, “Biden is a smart guy, even in this press conference where he seemed to confuse the presidents of Mexico and Egypt, he gave very detailed, nuanced answers on any number of topics, particularly [on] the Israel-Gaza conflict. So, listen, they hope the State of the Union will go a long way in addressing some of these issues.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart February 20th 2024