CNN’s Vause: While Gazans Are Suffering, Hamas Manages to Have Electricity for Itself

On Wednesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” host John Vause noted that Hamas oddly seems to have power in its bunkers despite the rest of Gaza running out of power while IDF Spokesman Jonathan Conricus remarked that it seems odd that the only thing Gaza isn’t running out of is rockets to launch at Israel.

After Conricus stated that Hamas has stolen aid in the past and recently stole fuel that could have been used for water pumps recently, Vause remarked, “The lights are still on in the Hamas bunkers, it seems, but not anywhere else, for the most part.”

Vause then asked, “In terms of what is allowed into Gaza, though, the Israel prime minister and the Cabinet, from what I’ve seen, have mentioned only food, water, and medical supplies. But right now, there’s no electricity in Gaza, fuel for generators is running low, especially in hospitals. So, will fuel be allowed in?”

Conricus responded, “Yes. It seems as if the only thing that they’re not running low on is rockets. We’ll have to look. I am aware of the same details that you reported, and I don’t have additional information regarding fuel. I know that there are deliberations about it. But what the Israeli Cabinet has approved is indeed the details that you’ve said.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 18th 2023