Comer: ‘I Think that What Kushner Did Crossed the Line of Ethics’

House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that he believed former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner “crossed the line of ethics.”

Comer said, “Our investigation’s already turned up a lot of information. Now, I think even though there may not be any curiosity by my friends at CNN, I think there’s curiosity by a majority of Americans.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “I’m very curious about it, sir. I’m very curious about it. That’s why I’m reading your reports. That’s why I have you on the show.”

Comer said, “And I appreciate that.”

Tapper said, “Your memo insists that even though there’s no evidence Biden personally took the money, it doesn’t get him off the hook. It calls the argument, quote, a hollow claim no other American would be afforded if their family members accepted foreign payments or bribes, unquote. Fair enough. Let me play something Chris Christie told our Kaitlan Collins.”

Christie said, “Look, the Trump family has been involved in grifting for quite some time. Jared Kushner, six months after he leaves the White House, gets $2 billion from the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund when Donald Trump had put him in a position to be in the Middle East. What was Jared Kushner doing in the Middle East?”

Tapper said, “Again, sir, it all stinks to me. It all stinks.”

Comer said, “Yeah. Look, I’ve been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics. But what Christie said, it happened after he left office. Still no excuse, Jake, but it happened after he left office. And Jared Kushner actually has a legitimate business. This money from the Bidens happened while Joe Biden was vice president, while he was flying to those countries. He flew, days after he left Romania, his family started receiving wires from a corrupt Romanian foreign national. Days. Like four days after he left, including his granddaughter. What is his granddaughter doing getting a wire from a Romanian foreign national?”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 10th 2023