Comer Vows Subpoenas for Joe, Hunter Biden

During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told viewers to expect subpoenas for President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

“Well, you have now released a lot of evidence with regard to this situation, whether it be witness testimony, 176 suspicious activity reports, now these checks going directly to Joe Biden,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “He says he never discussed business with his son, was never in business with his son. Are you planning on calling them in and getting subpoenas out?”

“Absolutely,” Comer replied. “We have always planned on doing that. This has been a painful process, Maria. We have been obstructed. We have been fought at every turn, not just by the Bidens’ big-money attorneys but also by the federal government. The IRS has obstructed. The DOJ has obstructed. The Treasury has obstructed. FBI has obstructed. And the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have pretty much been the Biden legal defense team. But, through it all, we have followed the money. We have done this the right way. We have subpoenaed bank accounts. And now we have enough bank accounts, Maria, where we can actually trace the money.”

“We can connect the dots because, as you showed on the screen, with this series of transactions, that’s called money laundering,” he continued. “And this was a very organized criminal enterprise by the Biden family. This wasn’t just some drug addict doing concoctions and making wild transactions. This was very organized. And the reason they did these complicated transactions was to disguise the source of the revenue and to deceive the IRS from paying taxes. So what you’re going to see in the coming weeks is a lot of loans. Any time the Bidens have money, they’re going to claim it was a loan because you don’t have to report loans on your taxes.”

“If you’re the IRS and you’re just looking at someone’s taxes, you would never know that Joe Biden got two checks for loan repayments, $200,000 and $40,000. You wouldn’t know about all the money that we’re going to show that James Biden took in and Hunter Biden took in from loans,” Comer added. Loans is a way — it’s an integral part of money laundering, where you deceive from the IRS about the revenue you’re taking in. In other words, you’re a tax cheat.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart November 5th 2023