Commerce Secretary Raimondo: GOP’s ‘Draconian’ Abortion Laws Will Backfire

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the Republicans’ “draconian wrong-headed actions” on abortion “will backfire as it relates to their ability to attract talent and attract business.”

Anchor Dana Bash said, “T want to ask you about the issue of abortion because in Alabama, one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country, the attorney general said he has the right to prosecute anyone who helps a pregnant woman travel to get an out of state abortion. As the commerce secretary, what can or should the Biden administration do to stop that?”

Raimondo said, “So, let me say this is obviously not in the area that I’m focused on as commerce secretary. I’m very proud of the president for standing up for women and women’s access to health care. And I’ll tell you, as a business issue, the moves that Republicans are making are wrong headed. Apart from the fact that women deserve full access to the full range of health care that they deserve, businesses aren’t going to want to do business in states that are hostile to women.”

She added, “So I think that this is a very poor decision just from a business manner. Businesses want to do business in places where there is top talent and in places where you could get women to work in the best most talented women to work in businesses. I think they’ll see these draconian wrong-headed actions as it relates to reproductive health care are will backfire as it relates to their ability to attract talent and attract business.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 2nd 2023