Conservatives React to McConnell’s Plans to Stand Down as GOP Leader: He Should Step Down ‘Before November’

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 13: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speak to repo
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Conservatives reacted to the news of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) plan to step down as Republican leader in November, although there appears to be an emerging theme that he should step down sooner rather than later.

McConnell, 82, made the announcement on Wednesday, telling his colleagues, “One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” according to his remarks.

WATCH — Mitch McConnell Announces Plans to Stand Down as Senate Republican Leader in November

U.S. Senate

The decision follows months of calls from various conservative leaders, urging him to step down, particularly following his series of health scares, or “freeze-ups,” in 2023 in front of the press, which McConnell ultimately dismissed.

“I’m going to finish my term as leader, and I’m going to finish my Senate term,” he said amid mounting questions over his health and political future.

RELATED — Mitch McConnell Freezes Mid-Speech, Led Away from Podium


But of course, this announcement has sparked plenty of reactions across the political spectrum.

“Why are Republicans so stupid? Ronna Romney should be forced to step down BEFORE Super Tuesday. Mitch McConnell should be forced to step down BEFORE NOVEMBER. You don’t let the Fox stay inside the barn. You drive them out,” Laura Loomer said following the news, asking, “What the hell is wrong with these people.”

“I called on McConnell to step down over a year ago,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said following the news, echoing the common theme that Republicans want a replacement not in November, but now.

“This is good news. But why wait so long — we need new leadership now,” he said:

“Why won’t McConnell resign his leadership position now? Because he wants to use his power to sabotage Trump, keep the border open, and funnel money to Ukraine for the next eight months,” Sean Davis, CEO and co-founder of the Federalist, said.

“Why is McConnell planning to resign in November and not when the new Congress is sworn in? He doesn’t want newly elected senators having any say in who his replacement is. McConnell is corrupt to his core. He needs to resign now,” he demanded:

“Better days are ahead for the Republican Party,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said in a post, celebrating McConnell’s planned departure as well as the ousting of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Ronna McDaniel leaving her post at the Republican National Committee (RNC):

“I respect Sen. McConnell’s decision. Serving at that level for that long is not easy. He did many good things, but he is right that we do need a new generation, not just in Congress but also in the White House,” Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said in a post, asserting that she is “fighting to get the Republican Party back to its principles of fiscal discipline and national security.”

“Republicans need to get back to winning. It’s what our children deserve,” she said, failing to note that she has not won a single primary contest yet:

Far-left Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (CA) seemed to celebrate McConnell’s coming departure for different reasons, accusing him of enabling “Donald Trump”:

“Kevin McCarthy. Ronna McDaniel. Mitch McConnell. The GOP is finally getting rid of its ‘peacetime generals,'” filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said. “The rank and file knows what a dire situation we face as a country, and is demanding new leadership that is up to the formidable task ahead”:

Other reactions poured in:

FLASHBACK — McConnell Sides with Biden on Bundling Ukraine, Israel Aid: “I View it as All Interconnected”

Authored by Hannah Bleau Knudsen via Breitbart February 28th 2024