Cotton: Students Who Committed Crimes Should Be Ineligible for Loan Bailout

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that any person “convicted of crimes related to this mob action on campus” should be ineligible for any student loan bailout and he’s introduced legislation to do so.

Cotton said that Biden is defying the Supreme Court and “finding new ways to reward his would-be voters, … and that means that some of these fanatics and pro-Hamas sympathizers in little Gazas all across America could be eligible to get their student loans canceled. That’s why I’ve introduced legislation with several of my colleagues in the Senate, the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act, that would say, if you’ve been arrested and convicted of crimes related to this mob action on campus, the federal government is never going to bail you out from your student loans.”

He added, “For nine years, liberals had fantasized in their own mind that, somehow, their brave resistance was going to stop fascism from arriving in America and that Donald Trump was a latter-day Hitler. In reality, Sean, what we see on campus have been nascent pogroms, exactly the kind of things the Nazis did to Jews in the 1930s, and the liberal silence or even celebration of these little Gazas on campus tells us exactly what they would have actually done in Germany in the 1930s.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 2nd 2024