Cotton: ‘There’s Been No Evidence of Any Crime Whatsoever’ in Trump’s NYC Trial

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Thursday on CNN’s “News Central” that “there’s been no evidence of any crime whatsoever” in former President Donald Trump’s New York business record case.

Host Kate Bolduan said, “We’ve seen Republican lawmakers quite a lot of them coming to New York City to sit in on Donald Trump’s trial to show their support for him.”

She asked, “Do you think it’s important for anyone who wants to be VP to have to show up to this trial? I mean, do you think anyone do you think someone can get the job without it?”

Cotton said, “I turned in my law license 20 years ago and I haven’t seen inside of a courtroom since then and I don’t have any plans to do so in the future. I agree with what President Trump said. It’s important that we do our job as legislators in Washington, for instance making sure that we overturn Joe Biden’s de facto arms embargo and get Israel, the weapons it needs.”

He added, “I also think they should be a moot question after today. I know everyone is excited about the cross-examination by President Trump’s lawyers of Michael Cohen and notorious convicted liar. But what’s a bigger news today is that if the prosecution rest its case based on the evidence they’ve put forward, then this judge should redeem himself and all that erroneous rulings he has made so far by directing a verdict of not guilty against Donald Trump because there’s been no evidence of any crime whatsoever in this case. The trial should into de the prosecution rest its case.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart May 16th 2024