Cruz: DOE Antisemitism Probe Is a Joke, They Aren’t Investigating MIT over Jewish Students Being Blocked from Class

On Monday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) criticized the Department of Education’s announcement that it will investigate some schools for antisemitism by pointing out that they omitted MIT, where Jewish students were prevented from going to class.

Host Hugh Hewitt asked, “On Thursday of last week, the Department of Education[‘s] Office of Civil Rights announced the opening of seven investigations, five of which are into antisemitism, two of which are into Islamophobia. I think that’s a gesture, and a very poorly-concealed one. They missed our alma mater at Harvard. They missed my law school alma mater at Michigan. They missed the University of California, San Diego. They missed NYU. Do you think the cultural Marxists are running the Department of Education[‘s] Office of Civil Rights?”

Cruz responded, “Of course, they are. And it is — this suffuses every major institution. … Among other schools they missed, they missed MIT, where aggressive and violent anti-Israel and antisemitic protesters blocked Jewish students from going to class, physically prevented them from going to class. Jewish students at MIT are saying they are afraid to be at school, that they do not feel safe. And, absurdly, the administration of MIT, they said, they’re not going to respond by expelling the antisemitic protesters who are stopping other students from going to class. Why? Because if they did, they would lose their student visas and have to go back home. In other words, because they are foreigners, they are not Americans who are violently threatening other students, this university is giving them special status and saying, please continue. It is truly absurd, and it is the most dramatic illustration of cultural Marxism you could imagine that is playing out right before our very eyes.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 20th 2023