Cruz: Plea Deal Designed to Get Hunter Biden ‘Zero Jail Time,’ Protect the ‘Big Guy’

Wednesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reacted to the collapse of Hunter Biden’s plea deal in a hearing before a federal judge earlier in the day.

The Texas Republican lawmaker charged the deal was to prevent President Joe Biden’s son from serving jail time.

“I think they had a deal,” he said. “This was a sweetheart deal. This was designed to give Hunter Biden a slap on the wrist, let him get away with zero jail time, and its most important function was to cover up for the big guy, to cover up from Joe Biden, to say all these matters are done. It’s all closed. It’s over. I think if this plea hearing had been the day after the plea deal was announced, I think it probably they would have stuck to their guns, and it might well have been approved.”

“But what happened is, several weeks passed, and the several weeks passed, more and more evidence came out,” Cruz continued. “The FD-1023 from the FBI came out. The two IRS whistleblowers testified before the House of Representatives, accusing Attorney General Merrick Garland of lying under oath accusing the attorney general of obstruction of justice in this case. And suddenly, the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office in the court realized they couldn’t stand up in court and say, oh, no, no, we’re not going to investigate any of this new evidence that’s all come roaring out. That became him to say.”

“So they said, well, yeah, of course, we’re going to investigate that, and suddenly, Hunter’s lawyers said, we’re out of here, and the whole thing blew up,” he added. “I’m glad it blew up. This deal stunk from day one, and it was about covering up Hunter and,, more importantly,, Joe Biden’s involvement in the corruption.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart July 27th 2023