During an interview released on Thursday’s edition of the “Fox News Rundown” podcast on Thursday, Maverick County, TX Sheriff Tom Schmerber (D) stated that now the border has “changed a lot. This is kind of like an open door.” And said that “the majority of the people that are coming in have no skills. … I think they’re going to have a hard time trying to find a job.”
Host Jessica Rosenthal asked, [relevant exchange begins around 7:20] “I wonder, can you compare what you’re seeing now as a Sheriff in Maverick County, 2023-2024, to what you dealt with as an agent back after 9/11?”
Schmerber responded, “Before that, it was just…immigrants that were coming to work…and not to stay. The majority were not here to stay. But now, it’s changed a lot. This is kind of like an open door. Some people come here to stay, and, of course, with that, the criminal element took advantage and we had drugs coming through here, burglaries, and we had one situation where an immigrant from Honduras raped one of the senior citizens. … So, it changed a lot, very different.”
Later, [relevant remarks begin around 11:20] Schmerber said that they’re seeing people from all different parts of the world coming to the border, and “the majority of the people that are coming in have no skills. So, I don’t know, I think they’re going to have a hard time trying to find a job. The only jobs they’re going to find are going to be hard labor.”
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