Dem Chicago Alderman: Any Biden Immigration Action ‘Too Little, Too Late’ — He Helped People Manipulate Asylum

On Thursday’s broadcast of “NewsNation Live,” Chicago Alderman and Democratic U.S. House candidate Raymond Lopez stated that the Biden administration has helped people manipulate American asylum laws and let people “come in here, completely unvetted, based on whatever they were willing to tell us at the time and allow them to roam free throughout our country.” And even if Biden takes executive action on immigration, it would be “too little, too late.”

While discussing crimes committed by migrants, Lopez stated, “I think as we see more and more of these videos, not just in Chicago and New York and elsewhere, the onus has to be on the federal government, on Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas, who allow these individuals to come in here, completely unvetted, based on whatever they were willing to tell us at the time and allow them to roam free throughout our country. Not everyone that’s come here is looking for a better life, some individuals are just here to exploit the situation. And it’s putting Americans at risk. This is one of the greatest national security threats we’ve seen in a long time, because 8 million people have come through this porous border, manipulating our asylum laws with the help of the administration. And both Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress are turning a blind eye, saying, well, we’ll deal with it after the election. They are paid to be there now. They are paid to act now and address this now. And every American has the right to be outraged that they’re punting, yet again, on this so important issue.”

Later, host Marni Hughes asked, “Are you optimistic the President will adequately address this tonight?”

Lopez answered, “I hope he does. But, to be honest, it’s too little, too late. We have nearly 8 million people in our country right now. There are 35,000 of them in the City of Chicago with no support, and not just dealing with the crisis as it is, but what about those millions of individuals who are going to be here for several years waiting for adjudication? Who’s going to address that?”

He added that the problem is a difficult one and will require a complicated solution.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart March 7th 2024