Dem Rep. Connolly: Hunter Is Being Singled Out Unfairly, ‘Often,’ the Powerful Get Treated Worse

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) stated that “Hunter Biden’s being subjected here to a level of, not only scrutiny, but accountability, that most mere mortals would not.” And “Often,” people in public life “get no corners cut at all. They’re going to have the book thrown at them,” while also arguing that Attorney General Merrick Garland is “ensuring objectivity and fairness and transparency in the process.”

Connolly stated that the appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel “is Merrick Garland being Merrick Garland. He’s crossing all the Ts and dotting all the Is. He is ensuring objectivity and fairness and transparency in the process.”

Later, host Chris Hayes asked, “I want to make the argument from the other side, which is that all of this is a sort of performative bending over backwards that itself is kind of a deprivation of justice, and here’s how the case goes: If Hunter Biden were Hunter Smith, he wouldn’t have been investigated. He certainly wouldn’t have been — if what he did was misdemeanor tax evasion and a felony [gun possession] charge — which is, first of all, according to the SCOTUS jurisprudence, probably constitutionally dubious to begin with — he would not be the subject of a three or a four-year investigation. This entire thing is this sort of like, essentially the opposite of him getting a special privilege. He’s basically being singled out because he’s the President’s son. What do you say to that?”

Connolly answered, “I think that’s absolutely accurate. A lot of people make assumptions about people in public life getting a special deal, wink [wink]. Often, it’s the opposite, that they’re going to get no corners cut at all. They’re going to have the book thrown at them, because nobody wants to be perceived as showing favoritism in the justice system or in the police unfolding acts. So, I think you’re right, I think Hunter Biden’s being subjected here to a level of, not only scrutiny, but accountability, that most mere mortals would not.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 12th 2023