Dem Rep. Goldman: Hamas Should Not Exist — ‘Like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, It Needs To Be Eliminated’

Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas needed to be “eliminated” like the U.S. stance against similar terrorist groups al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “I wonder what your response has been to some of the responses we’ve seen on the left, including from some Democratic officials that seem to almost even justify these attacks as part of, quote, unquote, resistance. I’m sure you’ve seen them and know what I’m talking about.”

Goldman said, “Yeah, look — I have, and I think what — a couple of things that we need to emphasize here. First of all, this was a horrific terrorist attack by a terrorist organization that committed brutal and atrocious war crimes against children,, raping women, elderly, indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. There’s no both sides to what Hamas did. And secondly, we also need to recognize that right now we need to be firmly in Israel’s corner, having suffered such a horrific genocidal attack in a country that was founded in the aftermath of one of the worst genocides ever, the Holocaust.”

He continued, “And what we need to remember is that this is not about Israel versus Palestinians. This is about Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to the eradication of Israel and all Jews. It should not exist, it should not be in power. And like al-Qaeda and ISIS, it needs to be eliminated, and the Palestinians deserve a robust government for themselves that can be a partner in peace and security and prosperity, and Hamas is not that.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 9th 2023