Dem Rep. Goldman: No Evidence Biden Knowingly Held Classified Information with Intent to Distribute It

Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that the special counsel found no evidence that President Joe Biden “knowingly and intentionally held classified information with any intent to distribute it.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Today, Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report was released to the public as you know. He concluded that while he was not going to bring charges, President Biden, retained classified information but one of the reasons he’s not bringing the charges is because he thinks Joe Biden is too old and feeble, essentially, for him to prosecute without the jury finding him sympathetic. What’s your reaction?”

Goldman said, “I don’t buy that that’s a reason why he didn’t prosecute. That’s completely extraneous and unnecessary delivered by a Republican trying to make a political statement that has no place in this special counsel’s report. The bottom line is that President Biden cooperated fully as soon as he and his team identified that were classified documents. He turned them over. He allowed the FBI to search every room in his house. He fully completely cooperated and there simply wasn’t evidence that he knowingly and intentionally held classified information with any intent to distribute it.”

He added, “Juxtapose that to Donald Trump who went to such great lengths to obstruct the FBI’s, first the archives then the FBI that he was charged with obstruction of justice which demonstrates a clear knowledge and intent. That’s why he’s charged with his indictment down in Florida and why President Biden has been exonerated today.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart February 8th 2024