Dem Rep. Hayes: GOP Isn’t Talking About Giving Savings from Cuts to People, Just Tax Cuts, ‘Small’ No Tax on Tips

On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT) stated that Republicans aren’t talking about returning the money saved from cuts to people “In fact, in the proposal that they have already rolled out, it includes additional tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.” But there “are small provisions” like ending taxes on tips.

Hayes said, [relevant remarks begin around 5:35] “I think it’s really important to note, they’re talking about all of these cuts, but none of these conversations about — are about returning that money to the American people or lowering the cost or improving the lives of the American people. In fact, in the proposal that they have already rolled out, it includes additional tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. People really need to understand that.”

She continued, “There are small provisions like no tax on tips, but not closing any of these loopholes that provides — that allow for some of the wealthiest Americans to not pay any taxes, to have loopholes to write off business expenses. So, if we really want to lower costs for the American people and return that money to them, that would be reflected in their budget proposal, and it is not. And I am not going to vote for anything that continues to harm the American people.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart February 10th 2025