Dem Rep. Horsford Dodges on Why Harris Flipped on Single-Payer, Fracking: ‘I’m Focused on the Issues’ People Are

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) dodged a question on why 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris has abandoned her previous support for Medicare for All and a ban on fracking by saying, “I’m focused on the issues that the American people are focused on,” and then pivoting to 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump’s policies.

Host Gabe Gutierrez asked, “[B]ack in 2019, she said that she wanted to ban fracking, she was also a backer of Medicare for All. Now, her campaign says she doesn’t support those ideas. What do you make of that? Do you think — do you have any idea why she changed?”

Horsford responded, “Well, I’m focused on the issues that the American people are focused on, the people in Nevada’s 4th district. And they do want to see the price of health care reduced. But, by comparison, Donald Trump and Trump’s Project 2025 would eliminate the Affordable Care Act. He would provide more tax cuts for the very wealthy, and then –.”

Gutierrez then cut in to point out that the question was about Harris, not Trump, but said he takes Horsford’s point. Gutierrez then asked if Harris should have done an interview sooner.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 27th 2024