Dem Rep. Krishnamoorthi: Riley Suspect Went Free Because ICE ‘Didn’t Have the Resources’ — Wouldn’t Call Him ‘Illegal’

On Monday’s “CNN This Morning,” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) said that the suspected killer of Laken Riley was let out because “ICE didn’t have the detention facilities to be able to keep him. They didn’t have the resources to keep him detained.” And that he wouldn’t have referred to him as an “illegal” like President Joe Biden did at the State of the Union.

Host Kasie Hunt asked, “We heard from the President over the weekend, saying — talking about the fact that he regrets using the term ‘illegal’ at the State of the Union to describe the man that killed Laken Riley. Do you think that was the right move on the President’s part?”

Krishnamoorthi answered, “I would have used a different term. But I think that it does go back, again, to the bipartisan deal that Donald Trump tanked, because the guy who murdered Laken Riley was let out because they didn’t — ICE didn’t have the detention facilities to be able to keep him. They didn’t have the resources to keep him detained.”

He continued, “And I think it — I campaigned for Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY) in New York 3, and that race was super tight, until Donald Trump tanked this bipartisan deal. And then independent voters saw that Trump was, in part, the reason why we’re not getting to a bipartisan resolution of the border. And I think that this is an issue that really hurts the Republicans right now.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart March 11th 2024