Dem Rep. Meeks: Adams Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, But I Think Trump, DOJ ‘Want to Control’ NYC

During an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) stated that while he believes New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ (D) assertion that he didn’t do anything wrong, but he believes the Justice Department and President Donald Trump dropped the charges against Adams because “they want to control the city of New York” and “you can’t interfere with the justice system.”

Meeks said, “I do think that Mayor Adams — I believe him when he said he didn’t do anything wrong. But you can’t interfere with the justice system. Here, again, is taking away who we are, the constitutionality of the courts. We have a President that we know says that he wants to impeach judges that make certain decisions that he doesn’t like. And so, — and in this case, what really gives me some grave concern is we know this President wants to control things. So, this case is not dismissed because it’s not — it was dismissed without prejudice.”

He added, “I worry very much about a leverage point. We know who this President is. We know who this man is. We know what he has done his entire life. So, my concern is the Justice Department and the President of the United States, they’re not doing this without reason. They’re doing this — they have a reason and a cause because they want to control the city of New York and that gives me great trepidations.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart February 11th 2025