Dem Rep. Moskowitz: Antisemitic Display from Media on Hospital Blast ‘Caused Riots’

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) stated that the “disgusting display of anti-Israel, anti-Zionism, and antisemitism from the international media around the world” in taking Hamas’ word for it on the Gaza hospital blast “caused riots” and noted that Hamas had their word believed, while Israel had to provide reams of evidence to be believed.

Moskowitz said, “What I know is we saw a disgusting display of anti-Israel, anti-Zionism, and antisemitism from the international media around the world. They immediately took Hamas’ word for it, Hamas, a terrorist organization, who said something, and ran with it. It caused riots around the world. It caused the president’s meeting to be canceled. But when Israel said it wasn’t true, they had to show satellite imagery, they had to show trajectory of the bomb, they had to explain the crater size, they had to show all sorts of audio intelligence. But Hamas, their word was taken seriously. So, look, this just shows how dangerous it is to be listening to a terrorist organization when they put out numbers, when they put out facts and figures, and they put out statements. And it’s a lesson for the media and elected officials that this is an active war zone, and we have to be careful before we take stuff and weaponize it, because look what it caused in the Arab world.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 19th 2023