Dem Rep. Moskowitz: China Is Filling the Void Where We’re ‘Leaving or Contracting’

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) said that wherever “the U.S. is either leaving or contracting” China has gone in to try to spread its influence around the world.

Host Bret Baier said, “Rep. Moskowitz, the Iranian exports to China, you mentioned China, they are a beneficiary of this. If you look at this chart, it’s pretty amazing to see the second-highest pace really since 2017 for Iranian oil to be going to China. There is common ground also on Capitol Hill in trying to figure out ways for the U.S.-China relationship — and to thwart China’s aggressiveness. That’s a big part of this as well.”

Moskowitz responded, “Yeah, no question, Bret. Look, there’s a China Select Committee. That was established on a bipartisan basis. I support the work that the committee has been doing. China has copied a lot of our playbook from decades and decades and decades of U.S. experience. What they’re doing is they’re going around the world and where the U.S. is either leaving or contracting or finding ways to even one-up the U.S., they’re offering free money to these countries. They’re offering to loan money for their projects. By the way, they bring in Chinese workers for these projects, they don’t even help the economy or put anyone to work in these countries. … And, so, look, they’re a problem, they’re going to be a problem, not for the next year or the five years, this is a generational problem that we’re going to have with China, and Iranian oil is one piece to the puzzle there.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 7th 2023