Dem Rep. Moulton: Biden ‘Cost American Lives’ and Harmed Foreign Policy with Afghanistan, As Dems, We Should ‘Fix It’

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that the Biden administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal “cost American lives, and ultimately, really impacted our foreign policy” “And we should be able to admit that. And we, as Democrats, should be willing to fix it.”

Moulton said Biden “never recovered from the reputational hit he took when he made that decision.”

Moulton then turned to the Biden administration’s criticism of him for traveling to Kabul during the withdrawal and stated that “after I showed up in Kabul to try to understand what was going on and help us make better decisions, sitting on the Armed Services Committee and other committees in Congress, because we had no idea what was actually happening on the ground, we didn’t know, for example, if we should push to extend the deadline and keep Americans on the ground longer, Brianna, I couldn’t walk into a bar anywhere in America and not have people come up to me, from both parties, and thank me for what we did. So, actually, it’s — this is a great example of how the Biden administration, this Democratic administration was really out of touch with America, pulling us out of Afghanistan that way, that cost American lives, and ultimately, really impacted our foreign policy, was a mistake. And we should be able to admit that. And we, as Democrats, should be willing to fix it. That’s what I was willing to do.”

Earlier, Moulton stated that “we have to anticipate the worst, both domestically and internationally” under President-Elect Donald Trump.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 7th 2024