Dem Rep. Ryan: Senate Bill Isn’t Enough by Itself, We Also Need Biden to Take Executive Action on Border

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Pat Ryan (D-NY) stated that while he wants the Senate’s immigration bill to pass, it’s not enough by itself and “we need to do both” pass the bill and have President Joe Biden issue executive orders on the border and “The executive orders are important, and I have called on the President to do that.”

Co-host Dana Perino asked, [relevant exchange begins around 2:35] “[D]o you think the legislation that Schumer is trying to tee up again, could that actually pass, and if not, would you ask President Biden to just go ahead and do the executive order?”

Ryan answered, “Well, we need to do both, honestly. The executive orders are important, and I have called on the President to do that. But that only gets us so far. To actually meaningfully solve the problem, we need the Congress to do its darn job and be bipartisan and get this done and deliver results. We saw real momentum a few months ago in the Senate. I was very encouraged and support that package and I hope the Senate passes it. And I hope our speaker brings it to the floor. This is top of mind for my constituents, I’m out there every single day talking to them. And we need to deliver for them.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 22nd 2024