Dem Rep. Schneider: Pro-Hamas Groups Should Lose Tax Perks over ‘River to the Sea’ Chants Calling for Murder of Jews

During a portion of an interview aired on Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) said that “students calling for the elimination of the state of Israel and the murder of Jewish people” with the “From the river to the sea,” chant is another reason “why groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and others should not be getting these tax benefits” and why legislation he has pushed to remove tax-exempt status from groups supporting Hamas is crucial.

Schneider said, [relevant remarks begin around 5:40] “It’s shocking the level of antisemitism, of hate, to see these students calling for the elimination of the state of Israel and the murder of Jewish people, which is what the chant, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ explicitly is about. It’s the chant of the PLO and of Hamas. And that’s why groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and others should not be getting these tax benefits and why the legislation is so important. But also, we need leadership from administrations, from others in our community to stand up and say, we’re not going to accept the fear and intimidation that are being let out on our students, any kind of hate, you know, we saw a shooting in Vermont on Saturday. That’s unacceptable. Anyone should be able to walk on campus, walk near campus, walk in their neighborhood free from fear of attack or intimidation. And we need to make sure that this stops.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 27th 2023