Dem Sen. Merkley: GOP Wants ‘Unacceptable’ Move to Round up and Deport People

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) complained that Republicans responded to President Joe Biden’s border proposals in the supplemental by stating that “now we want to do Steve Miller-style policies to essentially round up people across America” and deport them, “things that are unacceptable.”

Merkley stated President Joe Biden “made the decision to put the funding for the border, some 14 billion, really an answer to the Republicans’ requests, that we address all the borders together, that’s the Ukrainian borders, the Israeli borders, our borders. And what that was met with was, hey, thank you very much, but now we want to do Steve Miller-style policies to essentially round up people across America and throw them out of our country and just things — separate children from their parents, things that are unacceptable. So, clearly, we have to work hard to figure out how we can address the surge in folks coming to the border. It’s a real issue that we have to deal with, some 10,000 people coming a day. But how we deal with it, I’m kind of glad I’m not the person in the room trying to figure this out. I know how complicated policy on the border is.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 14th 2023