
Democrat Rep. Perfectly Boils Down Party's Agenda When Given Just 30 Seconds To Speak...

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Dexter, whoever the hell she is, provided a moment of pure clarity when she was told she had just half a minute to speak at the never ending Screechfest protest they’re holding.

democrat rep perfectly boils down partys agenda when given just 30 seconds to speak

When required to boil down the Democrats’ agenda into a sound bite, Dexter, or ‘Madder Maxine’ if you prefer, came up with “we have to fuck Trump.”

That perfectly encapsulates their outlook on every issue, no matter how sensible Trump’s policies might be.

They really have nothing else.

She asked no one to tell her children that their mom is deranged.

Yeah, they already know.

They’ve learned nothing.

Until the Democrats clean out every one of these weirdos and completely start again, they’re done.

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via February 12th 2025