Democrats slam Biden for bypassing Congress to strike Yemen

'Squad' members Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush tweeted their displeasure at the the president's actions

Joint US-UK air strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen

Fox News senior national correspondent Rich Edson has the latest on the attacks on 'Special Report.'

Some House Democrats are frustrated with the Biden administration for striking Houthi positions in Yemen without Congressional approval on Thursday night.

"The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict," Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., wrote on X. "That is Article I of the Constitution.

"I will stand up for that regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House," he added.


Ro Khanna at House hearing

Rep. Ro Khanna slammed the Biden administration for not seeking Congressional authorization before striking targets in Yemen (Office of Rep. Ro Khanna)

President Biden announced in a statement that the U.S. led a coordinated airstrike in Yemen with the U.K. and support from Canada, Australia and Bahrain.

He said the targets were "used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways."

‘Squad’ members Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich, and Missouri Democrat Cori Bush joined the chorus of criticism aimed at Biden for not seeking Congressional approval. 

Other Democrats also tweeted their displeasure, "These airstrikes have NOT been authorized by Congress. The Constitution is clear: Congress has the sole authority to authorize military involvement in overseas conflicts. Every president must first come to Congress and ask for military authorization, regardless of party," Rep. Val Hoyle, D-Ore., wrote on X.


Biden in Pennsylvania

President Biden announced the strikes on Thursday evening (Hannah Beier/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., warned that bypassing Congress could risk getting the U.S. into more foreign conflicts.

"The United States cannot risk getting entangled into another decades-long conflict without Congressional authorization. The White House must work with Congress before continuing these airstrikes in Yemen," Pocan wrote on X.

Senior Republican lawmakers, however, have shown rare praise for Biden over the move.

"I welcome the U.S. and coalition operations against the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists responsible for violently disrupting international commerce in the Red Sea and attacking American vessels. President Biden’s decision to use military force against these Iranian proxies is overdue," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a statement.


Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib demand cease-fire in Israel-Hamas war

WASHINGTON D.C., UNITED STATES - NOVEMBER 8: United States Representatives Rashida Tlaib (2nd L), Cori Bush (L) hold a banner demanding a ceasefire and condemning the Israeli attacks on Gaza, in front of U.S. Capitol in United States on November 8, 2023. (Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu via Getty Images) (Celal Gunes/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Biden said of the strikes, "These strikes are in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea—including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history."

Yemeni Coast Guard boats

Members of the Yemeni Coast Guard affiliated with the Houthi group patrol the sea as demonstrators march through the Red Sea port city of Hodeida in solidarity with the people of Gaza on January 4, 2024, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the militant Hamas group in Gaza.  (AFP via Getty Images)

"These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation. More than 50 nations have been affected in 27 attacks on international commercial shipping," he said in a statement.

Iran-backed Houthi rebels have been launching attacks against southern Israel and ships in the Red Sea since soon after Israel’s war with Hamas began in October.

Since then the topic of Israel has driven a wedge in the Democratic Party, with hardliners and progressives more critical of U.S.-Israel relations and its military response in Gaza, while mainstream Democrats remain committed to the Middle Eastern ally.

Elizabeth Elkind is a reporter for Fox News Digital focused on Congress as well as the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and politics. Previous digital bylines seen at Daily Mail and CBS News.

Follow on Twitter at @liz_elkind and send tips to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Authored by Elizabeth Elkind via FoxNews January 11th 2024