Democrats Try to Slip Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens into DHS Funding Bill

democrats try to slip amnesty for millions of illegal aliens into dhs funding bill
Isaac Guzman/picture alliance via Getty Images

House Democrats are attempting to slip an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens into a year-end Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill, Breitbart News has learned.

Reps. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX), Lou Correa (D-CA), and Yvette Clarke (D-NY) have filed an amendment to the $91.5 billion DHS funding bill that would see the American Dream and Promise Act become law.

The DREAM Act-style amnesty, which has repeatedly failed to pass the House and Senate in prior years, would give green cards and a path to naturalized American citizenship to about 4.4 million illegal aliens in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation Director of the Border Security and Immigration Center Lora Ries told Breitbart News that the amnesty attempt should be expected from Democrats.

“The Left’s tactic: Never let a crisis go to waste, especially an intentional, Biden administration-made border crisis, to seek amnesty for illegal aliens,” Ries said. “The Left needs to stop treading on Americans with border and national insecurity. Just ask New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New Yorkers, and south-side Chicago residents.”

The attempt comes as Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) notoriously failed in 2021 to get the amnesty through the House and Senate after claiming multiple times that he was close to securing the votes he needed to send the bill to President Joe Biden’s desk for approval.

Notably, the amnesty is backed by some of the nation’s biggest multinational corporations as well as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — all of whom regularly advocate for a constant flow of foreign workers into the labor market to help keep wages down.

In 2021, while Durbin was pushing the amnesty, the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Facebook, Verizon, Visa, Marriott International, and Apple, among others, threw their support behind the bill.

In 2013, CBO analysis stated that the “Gang of Eight” amnesty plan would “slightly” push down wages for American workers. A 2020 CBO analysis stated, “immigration has exerted downward pressure on the wages of relatively low-skilled workers who are already in the country, regardless of their birthplace.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here.

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart September 7th 2023