Democrats Worry About ‘Old, Slowing Down,’ and ‘Feeble’ Joe Biden

democrats worry about old slowing down and feeble joe biden

Democrats remain concerned about President Joe Biden’s ability to win reelection, as voters reportedly perceive him as “old, slowing down,” and “feeble.”

A majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability to perform his job, given the fact he is 80 years old, recent polling shows. In addition, a strong majority of Americans believe Biden is too old for another term as president and hold concerns about his “health and mental acuity.”

“I think it’s important to confront it [worry],” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) told Politico’s Jonathan Martin Wednesday about the Democrat Party’s fear that Biden cannot defeat former President Donald Trump in a general election.

“I think you got to be as public as you possibly can in addressing issues, and that’s how you can settle it,” embattled Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) said about Biden’s age. “But it’s not going to be easy because he is [going to be] 82 years old.”

The senators’ concerns are based on polling and focus groups that show swing voters’ first word or phrase used to describe Joe Biden is “some combination of ‘old, slowing down’ or, if they were harsher, ‘dementia or feeble,’” a pollster told Politico. The pollster reportedly pushed respondents to receive positive impressions of Joe Biden, and many could not remember any alleged accomplishments.

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According to Democrats close to Joe Biden, Politico reported the president “has done little to confront” the negative perception and refuses to “make any sustained effort to mitigate the concerns that dominate every survey and focus group.”

Biden’s reported belligerent attitude has even spilled over into allegedly declining to wear hearing aids. Hearing is not Joe Biden’s only physical issue. He suffers from atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy in feet, and hyperlipidemia, according to his annual physical conducted in February by physician Kevin O’Connor.

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Despite the physical limitations, O’Connor said his examination showed Joe Biden is able to conduct the duties of the presidency. But Politico’s Jonathan Martin reported that Joe Biden’s ability to answer questions from the media is limited, which impacts his ability to “lash Republicans.”

“Asked by a reporter why, despite the broad availability of work, Americans weren’t feeling better about the economy, Biden didn’t offer an empathetic response about the cost-of-living challenge posed by inflation,” the article said. “And he didn’t use the question to lash Republicans for their lack of solutions or ties to detested special interests. He answered by grumbling about press coverage and recounting an old saw about a dog in a lake.”

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As Democrats worry about Joe Biden’s age, some Republicans believe focusing on Joe Biden’s mental or physical capacity is not a winning strategy to defeat him in 2024. They say Republicans should focus on Joe Biden’s failed economic, domestic, and foreign policies.

Recent polling shows Joe Biden struggles with voters on key issues. Only 35 percent approved of his handling of inflation, 38 percent approved of his immigration policies, and 37 percent approved of his dealing with violence and crime in the country. Less than half, 43 percent, approved of his fighting terrorism, while only 42 percent approved of his handling of foreign affairs.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart October 14th 2023