Dershowitz: Bad Behavior by Schools Helped Create Student Debt Issue, Harvard Runs, Charges Like a Huge Corporation

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus and Newsmax Legal Analyst Alan Dershowitz said that the bad behavior of universities is a large driver of student loan debt and even said his own institution has engaged in the same behavior and is “like a mega-corporation and the tuition reflects it.”

After host Greta Van Susteren said that she finds “universities, sometimes, reprehensible.” Dershowitz responded, “Oh, they are.”

He added, “When I started teaching at Harvard in 1964, we had essentially a couple of buildings, a few secretaries and administrators. Now, it’s like a mega-corporation and the tuition reflects it. And it — and they do have a good scholarship program for kids who can’t afford to go, but…ordinary Americans can’t afford it. People who are poor get aid, but middle-class people who work hard and make even a couple of $100,000 a year, which is a lot of money, can’t afford education today, so something has to be done about that. And universities bear a lot of responsibility for it, but Congress has to take action.”

Dershowitz also predicted that the courts will ultimately uphold President Joe Biden’s latest student loan proposal.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 15th 2023