Dershowitz on Colorado Ruling: Anti-Democratic, Unconstitutional, Absurd

During an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” on Wednesday, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz blasted the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that former President Donald Trump was not eligible for the presidential ballot based on the 14th Amendment.

According to Dershowitz, the Colorado court’s 4-3 ruling misinterpreted the 14th Amendment, which he said laid out the process that Congress would enact, not a state court.

“In the 60 years I’ve been practicing and teaching law, I’ve never seen a decision that’s so anti-democratic and so unconstitutional,” Dershowitz said. “It is absurd. The idea that the 14th Amendment was supposed to substitute for the impeachment provision, carefully drafted by the framers, is wrong.”

“If you want to impeach a president, if you want to make him not be able to run in the future, there’s a provision,” he continued. “It requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate. But the idea that the framers of the 14th Amendment intended to circumvent that carefully drawn provision and simply allow any state to make up grounds for denying him the right to be on the ballot undercuts democracy.”

Dershowitz also said he anticipated the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn the Colorado decision.

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart December 20th 2023